Cyprus IP Box – How does it work?

Cyprus IP Box – How does it work?

Cyprus has developed a favorable regulation on the taxation of intellectual property (IP), which is now fully in line with international developments in relation to the proper treatment of license revenues and the OECD guideline. Up to 80% of the license income is...
Tax Payback on Company Capital

Tax Payback on Company Capital

As we did write in our post regarding Cyprus tax, corporate entities, under certain circumstances, can deduct a hypothetical interest on the paid-up capital of the company. This deduction lowers the taxable profit of the company. The interest is calculated either on...

Cyprus Tax Residency.

Typically your tax residency is where you stay more than 183 days per year. This is also true in Cyprus. But now the government introduced a new rule: The 60 Day Rule. It is meant for the people who want to establish a Cyprus tax residency but have problems showing...
Is Absolute Tax Certainty Ever Attainable?

Is Absolute Tax Certainty Ever Attainable?

Tax certainty is the basis of a stable tax system serving both taxpayers and governments. But is there anything simple about tax? Can the tax system ever be uncomplicated? Tax is a complicated subject and for every tax rule established, a way around would always be...
Cyprus: Adapting to a Changing Business Environment.

Cyprus: Adapting to a Changing Business Environment.

The recent changes in the regulatory requirements and international tax reforms and initiatives such as the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) have had a major effect on international financial centers. The changes are a result of discussions held by...