Cyprus Tax Residency.

Typically your tax residency is where you stay more than 183 days per year. This is also true in Cyprus. But now the government introduced a new rule: The 60 Day Rule. It is meant for the people who want to establish a Cyprus tax residency but have problems showing...
Emigrating to paradise.

Emigrating to paradise.

In the summer of 2015 the Cypriot Parliament passed a law which makes Cyprus much more attractive as a country of immigration for wealthy foreigners. The Act introduces, alongside the concept of “Residence”, the concept of “Domicile”. This distinction is not known in...
Cyprus Tax.

Cyprus Tax.

A Limited Company pays a Corporate Tax in Cyprus, i.e., corporate income tax of 12.5% of its profit. There is no other Cyprus tax on a Limited Company’s profit. Notional Interest Deduction Since May 2015, an additional exemption applies: a tax credit for virtual...